Monday, 16 September 2019

PAM00663 Replica Watch Panerai Luminor 1950 3 Days Brown On Sale

In 1936, the brand applied Radiomir materials to the first Panerai watch. Radiomir's night-time optical performance is extremely good. It was adopted by the Italian Navy Commando in the following years. It is equipped with equipment made by the Florentine watch manufacturer Panerai. It is a difficult night-time deep sea mission. It is an unknown military of the Italian Navy. confidential. In the 1940s, society began to pay attention to the radiation problem of radium powder. Therefore, Panerai developed the patent luminous material Luminor in 1949. Luminor uses strontium as its main component and its radioactivity is only one-twentieth of that of radium. After the successful development of Luminor, some customers of Orologeria Panerai still prefer Radiomir's unparalleled nighttime optical performance. The brand did not replace Radiomir with Luminor. Therefore, the wrist made with Radiomir material can still be seen in the 1950s. Luxury New Replica Panerai Luminor 1950 Watches for sale from China.

Decades later, the tone of the dial tells the story of Panerai’s brand in the dark. The blended radium powder makes the dials of some antique watches uniquely coloured and transforms from the original black to the unique brown, making these watches unique. Inspired by this detail, the brand created two new special edition watches, the Radiomir 1940 3 Days (PAM00662) and the Luminor 1950 3 Days (PAM00663), which are a favorite of watch and clock history lovers. Each of the two watches is limited to 1,000 pieces. The original design of the Egiziano Piccolo is only about 30 to 40 pieces, with very little production, making it one of the hottest antique Panerai watches. The new Radiomir 1940 3 Days watch faithfully presents the original Egiziano Piccolo watch and is modified to meet the standards of modern high-end sports watches. The watch is equipped with a classic 47 mm diameter Radiomir 1940 case and cast in AISI 316L polished steel. The lugs are integrally formed with the case, and the cylindrical crown and watch are elegant and elegant, which complements the neat lines of the bezel.New Luxury Replica Hublot Classic Fusion Watches for you to choose.

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